topban-servoServo Motor

In the fiercely competitive servo motor market, OEMs are driven by cost efficiency and prefer electronic motion control and feedback solutions for their integration ease that provide high efficiency, small size, and high torque technology at an attractive price.The use of servo motor has been growing rapidly thanks to their affordable price tag. As a viable alternative to pneumatic, hydraulic, and some electromechanical forms of motion and positioning control, servo units have been used in a variety of applications, including robotics, XYZ tables, factory automation, and related precision control operations in production facilities worldwide.
aboutind-servomotorDynapar standardized and customized brand motor mount encoders and Harowe brand resolvers are reliable, affordable and extremely compact in size to enable production personnel to monitor critical motor speed and position parameters within their motion control and production applications. Accurate motor speed tracking ensures optimum machine performance and operation designed to prevent motor burnout, or worst case, costly machine shutdown.

Recommended Solutions

HaroMax Series 15

Frameless Size 15 Heavy Duty Resolvers

Because of its simple transformer design and lack of on-board electronics, resolvers are ideal for high temperature environments. The Size 15 Frameless Resolver offers up to 200C temperature rating.


AD35 Single Turn Absolute Encoder

The AD35 absolute encoder’s short mounting depth allows for installation in tight motor endbells. With up to 10,000 RPMs, this encoder is suited for high speed servo motor applications.


AD25 Absolute Encoder

A special conical shaft for concentric motor mounting are one of the key features that differentiate this product from other servo motor encoders on the market today. With up to 22 bits of singleturn absolute positioning it is the perfect fit for low speed motor performance.

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camera function
Camera Systems provides a complete camera portfolio for industrial process monitoring and security surveillance for hazardous and industrial areas. Due to our innovative SNF*-technology, all cameras are considerably lighter than any existing ones, and extremely robust. Almost all of our cameras are designed for operation in extreme temperatures ranging from -40°C to +75°C, even our infrared camera with day/night vision.

We are therefore able to design complete surveillance systems for any type of production plant, be it an oil rig, a tank farm, onboard ship or in process plants in the pharmaceutical or chemical industries. For control and standard monitoring, we have the ISview software package.

Larger surveillance systems with up to several hundred cameras are covered by the professional SeeTec software.

*(SNF – sensor-controlled nitrogen filling)

topban-aerospaceAerospace & Defense

When the military relies on a line of resolvers for proven performance, you know it’s a top-of-the-line product. Precise feedback and speed control of their aircraft at all times is imperative to pilots. That’s why they trust Harowe brand resolvers to deliver reliable and accurate feedback.
Thrust reversers, throttle valve indicators and starter/generator feedback are just some of the critical mechanical and jet operation applications that Harowe brand resolvers control. They are also used for flap position indicators, fuel control valve indicators, inertial guidance systems and auto-pilot controls. Battling gravity and top speeds, pilots must be confident their resolvers will perform to specification.
aboutus-adHarowe products are designed to meet aerospace and defense requirements, including: high-speed applications (over 30,000RPM), high-temperature environments (up to 200C), high-shock and vibration environments, dual speeds, and tandems for redundancy applications. We can supply COTS, Modified COTS and ITAR solutions.

Recommended Solutions


HaroMax Resolver

Ideal for brushless motors, robots and direct-drive motors in precision rotary platforms and similar servo applications.



Series R25 Heavy Duty Resolver

R25 Heavy Duty Brushless Resolvers

The better choice over encoders for applications that involve very high temperature, vibration and shock and/or dirty environments.



Size 31 and 55 Frameless Resolvers

Size 31 & 55 Frameless Resolvers

Lightweight, compact and provide accurate, absolute position feedback and resistance to high shock, vibration, EMI noise, radiation and temperature extremes.

Green Energy

Energy management and energy conservation start with the ability to monitor power and energy use.   For electrical systems, this involves measuring DC or AC power (Watts, VA, VAr) or energy (Wh, VAh, VArh).
In fixed installations, digital meters offer a range of display formats, capabilities & sizes. Single display power/energy meters start at $150.  Multiple display meters with user selectable parameters are available for $200-800, depending on configuration and capabilities. Bargraph power meters, which show a digital reading and analog level, start around $350.Advanced parameters, including power factor, demand & harmonics, are standard on many models. Most meters also offer options for setpoint alarms & network communications.  Specialized meters are available for applications such as generator monitoring or load shedding.  See the more popular digital:
Power Meters
Energy Meters
Bargraph Meters
For older systems, we offer a selection of Analog Power Meters and panel adapters.
Energy Meters & Monitors for & Energy Conservation – Weschler Instruments 
For more on Weschler Meters

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Wireless Technology for Process Automation

The use of wireless technology in process industry offers entirely new possibilities for the system operators to optimise existing production processes and adopt entirely new paths.
A wide field of applications with various solutions becomes available to the user: R. STAHL considers this trend in many different ways.
Besides WLAN, GSM and WirelessHART, R. STAHL also offers switches working without battery or power supply. Recently, the offer has been completed by a localisation system offering new solutions for more efficient production processes and increased safety.