Wrapping grass into bales is a commonly used method to preserve it from nutrient loss. The bales are compressed with a round or square baler. A bale wrapper wraps a tight layer of plastic foil around the bale to turn it into silage.
Baling is a relatively new technique, introduced just over a decade ago. This means there are still major opportunities to increase its value to the farmer. Wireless control of the bale wrapping machinery has made the process a ‘one-man job. ’
Wrapping of the hay bales
The baler lets the compressed bale lie untouched on the land. Then the bale loader picks up the bale and puts it on the wrapping table of the bale wrapper. The driver of the loader activates the wrapping process using a wireless remote control from its cabin. When the bale is wrapped, it is dropped on the ground with the help of a remote control. Afterward, the next bale can be loaded on the wrapping table, and the above-mentioned cycle of wrapping and dropping the bale on the ground repeats itself.
Work more efficiently with a wireless radio remote
Before, without the wireless radio remote, the driver needed to get off the loader and had to step in the tractor that drives the wrapper to manage the functions of the wrapper, such as loading a new bale, wrapping, and then dropping it on the ground. Getting in and out of the tractor again and again was very inefficient for the driver.
The system that has been used in this project is called Pyxis/Aquarius. This system is very suitable for such applications. The fine particles released mainly from the straw harvest can not penetrate the Aquarius receiver casing.
Limited range
Also, to make the bale wrapping process as safe as possible, the remote has an out-of-range signal with a limited radius. When the loader is more than 75m away from the wrapping machine, the machine stops immediately. This is done to avoid running of the machine without any supervision.