sensorConstant distance towards any metal

Inductive Factor 1 sensors offer the great benefit of maintaining the same sensing distance towards all metals. Unlike standard sensors where this value changes, depending on the material. The benefits of Factor 1 sensors are obvious: This uniform distance offers outstanding flexibility in system conception and sensor installation. Contrary to conventional sensors, Factor 1 sensors feature enhanced sensing distance towards many different metals. Hence, they are even perfect for applications with variable objects.
Your benefit:

  • Utmost flexibility in construction and installation „
  • Uniform, large sensing distance towards any metal „
  • Shorter installation times, thanks to minimal adaptation effort „
  • Eased alignment thanks to large sensing distance „
  • Reduced sensor variety – the same sensor will match different applications

fast sense

Baumer offers their new MESAX laser distance sensor for measuring demanding surfaces.

Baumer offers their new MESAX laser distance sensor for measuring demanding surfaces. The new multi-spot sensor works without external software and is based on the light section method. Up to 600 measured values of an object are recorded and the distance is then calculated. The sensor takes up to 500 distance measurements per second at a resolution of up to 2 µm (0.008 percent of the measuring range). Applications can include glossy objects in quality inspection or optimal positioning of grinding disks with coarse surfaces.
Image result for mesax laser  Image result for mesax laser

MESAX 70 multi-spot – The unique laser distance sensor for shiny and very rough surfaces. [EN]