Different Types and Applications Of Totalizing Counters

Totalizers are counters that “total” the number of cycles applied to their inputs. The totalizing function does not provide control outputs or preset limits, although some of our multi-function products have the totalizing capability as well as output and control functions. They may be a mechanical counter, electromechanical counter or an electronic counter, all of which may be resettable or non-resettable.

Mechanical Counters

Mechanical totalizing counters typically use printed wheels or drums to display the count value and are actuated by an external force on a lever or shaft in a reciprocating or rotating action. Mechanical totalizing counters are very robust in their construction and are often found in severe environments which could destroy other types of counters.


A mechanical totalizing counter can be used as a yardage counter for sheet goods, fabric, upholstery, etc. in a factory or commercial setting.

Typical Veeder-Root Counter

743415-005 Worm Drive is part of the 7234 series and pairs well with 15537-070  Measuring Wheels.

Electromechanical Counters

Electromechanical totalizing counters generally are operated by an electrical pulse from a switch or relay and increment counts as the pulses are applied. Certain models have counting coils designed as “continuous duty” which means that the voltage applied to the counter may be of extended length or continuous without causing damage to the coil. They are typically panel-mounted or base-mounted and offer a low to mid-range cost solution for numerous applications.


An electromechanical totalizing counter can be used to count cycles in a gaming machine.

Typical Veeder-Root Counter

779086-006 is part of the 7790/7791 Series. This series of economical miniature totalizers is available in all popular mounts and operating voltages.

Electronic Counters

Electronic totalizing counters are almost always panel-mounted and generally have a good degree of environmental protection making them suitable for wet, damp, or dusty locations. They may be self-powered by an internal battery or externally powered, and are designed to accept a wide range of count inputs like dry contact closures, voltage pulses, TTL level inputs, and quadrature inputs from incremental encoders. Some models offer scalable inputs, meaning that the number of input pulses can be scaled as they come in to result in a readout of more meaningful units of measurement, often referred to as engineering units.


An electronic totalizing counter can be used as a maintenance or usage counter (for revenue) in a copier machine.

Typical Veeder-Root Counter

C342-0462 is one counter in the C342 Totalizing Counter series. This series provides ultra-compact 1/32 DIN totalizers available with LCD or LED display and AC/DC inputs.
Totalizing counters, in all their various types, is an important component in a myriad of applications. So, choose Veeder-Root totalizing counters for a totally reliable, durable, and accurate solution!

by Phillip Warwick – Eagle Signal / Veeder-Root


1667, 1669 Series Visicounter

PDF, 392.61 KB

7999 MITE Series Totalizer

PDF, 351.85 KB

A103 Series Preset Counter

PDF, 476.78 KB

C346 Series Multifunction Counter

PDF, 474.90 KB

C628 Series Totalizer

PDF, 356.64 KB

Zone 1 Hazardous Area Rated Incremental Encoders


Zone 1 Hazardous Area Rated Incremental Encoders

The new EN42 hollow-shaft and EN44 hub-shaft incremental encoders eliminate the cost, guess work and hassle of installing a barrier thanks to encapsulated electronics. The EN series offers ATEX, CSA and IECEx triple certification and a powerful signal driver for universal use in oil & gas equipment applications.

en-series-atex-csa-iecex-certsATEX, CSA, IECEx Triple Certified

With enforcement of regional certifications on the rise, the EN series is a flexible solution for zone 1 use with ATEX, CSA and IECEx certifications. The EN series also offers the industry’s leading operating temperature range of -50° to 100° C.


High Power Line Driver Available

The EN series offers a high power mosfet line driver (10-30 VDC) is for applications requiring a long cable run to ensure reliable signal output without sacrificing performance.

en-series-wiringEasy to Install with No I.S. Barrier Needed

Both the EN42 and EN44 offer encapsulated electronics with increased safety interface for zone 1 use eliminating the need for a separate I.S. barrier and the guesswork to install one. The EN44 also offers a standard B100 mounting flange and integrated double helix coupling for easy installation.

EN42 Hollowshaft


EN44 Hubshaft


1 to 5,000 PPR 1024 or 2,048 PPR
Hollow Shaft Hubshaft Style Mount With 6 Mounting Holes on the Face
Bore Size Options: 5/8″, 3/4″, 7/8″, 1″, 15 mm, 16mm Bore Size Option: 16mm
Max Operating Speed 3,600 RPM Max Operating Speed 6,000 RPM
50G Shock and 20G Vibration Tolerant 50G Shock and 20G Vibration Tolerant
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Rail, Light Rail, Buses, Trucks & Support Equipment – Weschler Meters

Commercial transportation is a target industry for Weschler products.  Diesel electric locomotives use analog meters and digital meters to monitor generator and motor condition, as well as the status of other on-board systems.  We manufacture special illuminated and ruggedized meters to display vehicle speed in the cab.
Buses and heavy duty trucks benefit from the ruggedness and reliability of Weschler indicators.  Our gauges provide accurate readout of vehicle speed, motor RPM, engine temperature, fuel level, hydraulic pressure and other parameters.  Many models can be interfaced to on-board data loggers and telemetry systems.
Emergency vehicles incorporate a combination of digital and analog meters – in fire engine pumper controls, ambulance monitor panel and other vehicle sub-systems.
Weschler products are used in the construction and maintenance of roadways and rail lines.  Asphalt paving machines track temperatures and feed rates with Weschler digital instrumentation.  Concrete batch plants monitor and control mixing operations with our analog & digital meters.   Meters and transducers are used to monitor motor currents on heavy off-road construction equipment.
Weschler Instruments – Indicators & Meters for the Bus IndustryWeschler Instruments – Indicators & Meters for the Railroad IndustryWeschler Instruments – Indicators & Meters for Emergency Vehicles
Locomotive & Transit Meters (pdf)
Weschler Products
Weschler Instruments – Indicators & Meters for the Light Rail IndustryWeschler Instruments – Indicators & Meters for the Trucking IndustryWeschler Instruments – Indicators & Meters for the Construction Industry


Hiroshima remembers the day the bomb dropped

The city fell silent as tens of thousands of people paid tribute to the victims and survivors of the world’s first atomic bomb. On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain.
These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

Servo Motor – HaroMax Resolver

topban-servoServo Motor

In the fiercely competitive servo motor market, OEMs are driven by cost efficiency and prefer electronic motion control and feedback solutions for their integration ease that provide high efficiency, small size, and high torque technology at an attractive price.The use of servo motor has been growing rapidly thanks to their affordable price tag. As a viable alternative to pneumatic, hydraulic, and some electromechanical forms of motion and positioning control, servo units have been used in a variety of applications, including robotics, XYZ tables, factory automation, and related precision control operations in production facilities worldwide.
aboutind-servomotorDynapar standardized and customized brand motor mount encoders and Harowe brand resolvers are reliable, affordable and extremely compact in size to enable production personnel to monitor critical motor speed and position parameters within their motion control and production applications. Accurate motor speed tracking ensures optimum machine performance and operation designed to prevent motor burnout, or worst case, costly machine shutdown.

Recommended Solutions

HaroMax Series 15

Frameless Size 15 Heavy Duty Resolvers

Because of its simple transformer design and lack of on-board electronics, resolvers are ideal for high temperature environments. The Size 15 Frameless Resolver offers up to 200C temperature rating.


AD35 Single Turn Absolute Encoder

The AD35 absolute encoder’s short mounting depth allows for installation in tight motor endbells. With up to 10,000 RPMs, this encoder is suited for high speed servo motor applications.


AD25 Absolute Encoder

A special conical shaft for concentric motor mounting are one of the key features that differentiate this product from other servo motor encoders on the market today. With up to 22 bits of singleturn absolute positioning it is the perfect fit for low speed motor performance.