See Also: Handheld | Ranger 3 | Ranger 4 | Ranger 6
P/N A1A0052C
Our programmable servo linear actuator is designed with a CAN J1939 controller and a built-in clutch for freewheeling of the shaft when not in use. The built-in CAN bus control allows users to command the shaft to position with an accuracy of 0.01 inches and check the position of actuators, monitor their diagnostic feedback such as voltage, temperature, and other conditions.
It can also be used with many of our manufacturers’ remote controls
Or, if you prefer, as a standalone actuator using switches or joysticks for the actuation of valves, PTO, throttle, and other mechanical actuation or autonomous applications.
In standalone applications, switches can be used to step forward up to 30 user-programmable increments, or you may opt for proportional movement via a joystick, potentiometer, or analog voltage from PLC.
With a built-in Wi-Fi Gate, the actuator can easily be configured using a PC, Tablet, or Smartphone for a mode of operation consisting of CAN, analog, or digital. Input values and the shaft position can also be programmed using Wi-Fi Gate in standalone mode.
With Gate Diagnostics and Histogram, the user can see the status of the inputs and actuator position along with any faults.