A handy repeater for long-range
Despite the excellent range of Tyro’s radio systems, radio waves can sometimes face hurdles that affect their range, for example, rocks that are hardly penetrable by radio waves. In mountainous areas where one wants to use a wireless remote control system such as in the forestry sector in Austria, the range of the radio transmission can be a problem.

In the Swiss Alps where the danger of landslides and avalanches is expected, avalanche prevention structures are used. To make these structures, one has to go high in the mountains with the necessary machinery.
Tyro Radio Repeater
Especially for such applications, Tyro Remotes has developed the Radio Repeater. By using a radio repeater the radio signal can be easily retransmitted around or over an obstacle.
Doubled range
The Tyro Radio Repeater is placed directly on or near the obstacle from where it retransmits the received signal from the remote control (repeated) to the receiver or the next repeater. This will significantly increase the range and can even double it. This is the same principle that is used by many satellites for managing the transmission along the curvature of the earth.
Solving range problems
The Tyro Radio Repeater can also be used in the plains to increase the range. For example, in areas with a lot of iron or steel obstacles where the signal can get disturbed or weakened through diffraction, absorption, or reflection. With the help of a Tyro Radio Repeater, this problem can be managed.
Power generator remotely controlled
For this process, diesel generators are used. These are switched on and off by using a Tyro remote control which also makes sure that they do not run unnecessarily. This reduces the impact of such a process on the environment and results in low operating costs for the company as well.
Transmit signals over long distances and obstructions
The challenging part of using a radio remote control in the mountains is the transmission of the radio signal. The radio signal has to reach the top of the mountain. Given that the distance between the aggregate and the workstation is simply too long, moving the aggregate is not an option. As that would involve a helicopter and thus would result in high costs. Tyro remotes came up with the idea of using a compact Tyro repeater as an intermediate station. The intermediate station doubled the scope of the signal and made it easy to continue with the heavy work.
Repeater vs. GSM
The Tyro repeater works in a very simple way. It captures the signal from the transmitter on one side of the mountain and passes it on to the receiver on the other side of the mountain. This happens in a very quick, direct, and reliable manner. There is no delay in the transmission of the signal, such as in the case of the GSM solutions if they can manage the range at the first place.
The Tyro remote control, in combination with the repeater, provides the ideal solution in mountain areas.
Several repeaters in a row can be used to extend the range even further.