Generator Applications
- Monitor oil pressure, temperature, runtime hours, load, voltages, currents, KVARs, fuel level and consumption rate, on/off status, rpm’s, location, shutdown-1st fault, battery power, vibration, and more.
- Know your portable generator’s GPS location at all times
- Quick and Easy Instillation of Equipment
- Monitor performance trends
- Monitor or control all of your assets from a single password protected web page
- Remotely start or shut down generators
- Both satellite and cellular communications are available
- View, Graph, or export data
- Know immediately when outages occur
- Get first fault reports on shut downs so that service response can be as efficient as possible
- You determine when and how to be notified if a change occurs-email, cell phone text, or 24/7 live operator
- Maintain high uptimes by maintaining fuel levels and performing maintenance before problems cause unplanned outages
- GPS locations allow for rapid service response and helps to ensure there are no surprises in where/how the generator is being used
- Start generators remotely for immediate response to electricity demand
Call for more information: 1-800-699-0290